Timeless Investing Tips

The following is a collection of "Timeless Investing Tips" that we have used to help guide us on our investment choices as we look forward to retirement.

Educational/Information/Tools Sites

  Bogleheads.org - This one stop website holds a plethora of great investment information that dominates my investment thinking.

SSA - Social Security website.  Login in to see your earning record and potential benefits.

SSA.tools - Wonderful social security planning tools that are free!  

Open Social Security - Open Social Security is a free, open-source Social Security strategy calculator.

Social Security Break Even Calculator - The title explains what this tool does.

Empower (formerly Personal Capital) - Free tool to aggregate all your finances and model retirement scenarios.

New Retirement - Free tool to model a retirement scenario.  Paid version allows for comparision of scenarios.

CalculatorSoup - Array of finacial calculators (e.g., Time Value of Money)

Testfolio - This is a portfolio backtesting tool that lets you construct investment portfolios and compare their historical performances.

tipsladder.com - Free tool to build a Treasury Inflation-Protection Securities (TIPS) ladder.

FIRECalc - Free calculator that will show how long your money will last in a variety of markets.

cFIREsim 3.0 - cFIREsim stands for Crowdsourced Financial Independence and Retire Early Simulator.

NPERS - Nebraska Public Employees Retirement System.

403bwise - Check the rating of your District's 403b plan at this site.

ETF Overlap Tool - Compare ETF funds to see how their holdings compare and overlap

Vendor/Purchasing Sites

Fidelity - My favorite place for an IRA, brokerage account, buying US Treasuries, & to hold a HSA.  Great website and mobile app too.

Vanguard - Great place to open an IRA or brokerage account featuring low cost mutual funds and ETFs.

Treasury Direct - Website to buy government securities (i.e., Bonds, Tbills, Notes, TIPS)

All investment information provided at this site is for educational purposes only.  The website creator makes no guarantees or implies any warranties about the accuracy of the information provided on this site or to any web-links connecting to other sites.  

Every investor should do their due diligence before making any investment decisions.